Daphne Bramham: COVID forces families into a heartbreaking fight for access to loved ones in long-term care

December 21, 2020
December 21, 2020 admin

Daphne Bramham: COVID forces families into a heartbreaking fight for access to loved ones in long-term care

“My brother didn’t die from his (brain) tumour. He died from neglect, lack of care and definitely loneliness.” — Krystal Peralta Author of the article:Daphne Bramham Vancouver Sun

VANCOUVER, December 20, 2020 -- Krystell Peralta at her brother, Kevin's gravesite in Vancouver, BC., on December 20, 2020. Her brother was 28 when he died Aug. 23 from multiple infections and dehydration. He had been a resident at the George Pearson long-term care home, but the care there deteriorated when families like the Peraltas were not able to visit due to COVID-19. (NICK PROCAYLO/PNG) 00063331A ORG XMIT: 00063331A [PNG Merlin Archive]Krystell Peralta at the gravesite of her brother Kevin on Dec. 20, 2020. Kevin had spent five years at the George Pearson Centre in Vancouver, a long-term care home owned and operated by Vancouver Coastal Health for people with complex care needs. Kevin, 28, died in hospital on Aug. 23 of dehydration and multiple infections. PHOTO BY NICK PROCAYLO /PNG


Link to full article https://vancouversun.com/news/daphne-bramham-covid-forces-families-into-a-heartbreaking-fight-for-access-to-loved-ones-in-long-term-care?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1Qus51CjyKTvl9q_IJbw8nq3QJvQB0rC9uUz8Tg4jdgWAXT4scif8axZM#Echobox=1608560322